Secret to organising a shed

Shed storage ideas

1 minute read


The Edit and Declutter


  • Check the weather forcast (aim for a dry day)
  • Get spare tarpaulins or dust sheets, to lay on the lawn or patio
  • Take a before photo (so you can see what you’ve achieved after)
  • Get everything out
  • Have recycle bags, rubble stacks or a skip (depending on the scale of the project) ready for waste items
  • Dedicate an area for Re-home and to Sell items to be put as you go
  • Remove broken or un-repairable items
  • Remove items you just don’t need anymore (be honest about when you last used them)
  • Decide what’s to be kept
  • Organise into categories on the tarpaulins as you go e.g pots, gardening, tools, seeds, bike stuff etc.
  • This will help decide how best to store it once you start to put it back – match the quantity and size of items to the best place in the shed


If you want ideas on where to donate your unwanted items see my Donation Directory


How to maximise shed storage and keep it tidy:


  • Take a look at the empty shed
  • Does the current furniture or shelving best use the space?
  • Look to hang up as much as possible 
  • You might want to invest in wall racking to exactly match what you have to store e.g Wall storage systems and is flexible for future storage
  • Use clear, labeled containers to put the same categories together
  • Dig out old Tupperware and take away containers which can be great for storing seed packets or screw/bolts etc.
  • Choose an exact place for everything – label shelves and containers, so everyone knows where things are and where to put them back
  • Sort out the best lighting possible for your shed and budget – a dark space will be harder to use and keep tidy


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