(2 minute read) 10 things to declutter from your home today: Unloved mugs If your cupboard is overflowing, it is time to donate unused mugs and remove any damaged ones Worn-Out Towels & Bedding Frayed towels, threadbare sheets, and pillowcases you never use—donate clean to charity in a bag labelled ‘rags’ (they getContinue reading “10 things to declutter from your home today”
Category Archives: Decluttering
My unpopular decluttering opinion…
Tell me what you think… 2 minute video I believe sometimes we feel guilty about the wrong thing when decluttering. Put that energy into the real challenge. Tell me what you think and that last thing you decluttered. And did you see the unexpected visitor, who I didn’t know was in shot! Let meContinue reading “My unpopular decluttering opinion…”