(2 minute read) 10 things to declutter from your home today: Unloved mugs If your cupboard is overflowing, it is time to donate unused mugs and remove any damaged ones Worn-Out Towels & Bedding Frayed towels, threadbare sheets, and pillowcases you never use—donate clean to charity in a bag labelled ‘rags’ (they getContinue reading “10 things to declutter from your home today”
Category Archives: Get organised
My unpopular decluttering opinion…
Tell me what you think… 2 minute video I believe sometimes we feel guilty about the wrong thing when decluttering. Put that energy into the real challenge. Tell me what you think and that last thing you decluttered. And did you see the unexpected visitor, who I didn’t know was in shot! Let meContinue reading “My unpopular decluttering opinion…”
Declutter and Organising Takeaways
Prepare the space for your declutter: Make space to work in. Label bags ready to put in charity shop donations, recycling, rubbish and items to sell. Look at Pinterest or in magazines to get an image of what you want your room to look like eventually – it will give you ideas and provides motivationContinue reading “Declutter and Organising Takeaways”
Top 3 wasy for an Eco Christmas
See 3 easy ways to be eco-friendly at Christmas (and give yourself more time too) https://youtu.be/eb4aTD7AOH4 Gifts What is enough? Try to avoid last-minute buying. You’ve probably got enough already. Everything we buy will eventually be thrown away. So consider this with what you buy and consider what extra clutter you might be adding toContinue reading “Top 3 wasy for an Eco Christmas”
How to Organise an Annoying Cupboard
https://youtu.be/nNJZ9KW9Kzo 4 min video – Get Organised: How to sort out that Annoying Cupboard Get my help organising your home here How to make a cupboard work better for you Edit and declutter Remove and recycle out-of-date, crusty or broken items Decide if something really needs to be in here If it’s backstockContinue reading “How to Organise an Annoying Cupboard”
Letting go of stuff
Thank you for your vote. How to organise your Wardrobe like a Pro