Easy tips for an Eco-friendly Christmas

See my 1 minute video below – for Eco-friendly Christmas: https://youtu.be/3PRLId8Bjhw (2 minute read + video)   Is it hard to find a balance between all the fun plastic stuff we buy for Christmas and the impact on people and our planet?   See below easy steps you can take:   (Source: The Soil Association)Continue reading “Easy tips for an Eco-friendly Christmas”

How to organise sentimental items

How to edit and organise your sentimental items and mementos? Reminding you of happy times, people or places.   Ticket stubs, stickers, old school books, your children’s paintings, beloved childhood teddy bears, whatever it is, you are likely to have some items which are very precious and you don’t want to part with.    TopContinue reading “How to organise sentimental items”

Top 5 wardrobe organising products

To help keep your wardrobe tidy long-term use containers or products to divide up certain categories of clothes and accessories.   Which are the products that really make a difference and are worth getting?   Here are 5 organising products I always recommend to my clients. Simple, cost-effective and flexible for most cupboards, drawers and wardrobeContinue reading “Top 5 wardrobe organising products”