Top 10 books and TV to inspire a home declutter

Get inspired to sort out your home… Book & Community hub The Year of Less – Cait Flanders Great story of how she worked her way to clear $30,000 of debit  and the process learnt about her own patterns of unhelpful behaviour around food, shopping and money. Personal and honest. Lots I felt I couldContinue reading “Top 10 books and TV to inspire a home declutter”

Hall storage ideas

How to make space in your hallway Start by putting the kettle on. Make a tea/coffee and move a chair to your hallway, drink it here. Have a look at what’s there. You’ll probably see something straight away you can remove or re-home. Decide if everything there is used often and needs to live there. ConsiderContinue reading “Hall storage ideas”

Top 3 Declutter Projects in Lockdown

Where do you start when you want to get cracking on decluttering and editing your home? Lockdown may mean daily life is more chaotic than ever, more people living and working for longer in the same space.    The key to making progress on editing and organising your home is to start on projects whichContinue reading “Top 3 Declutter Projects in Lockdown”

How products can help you stay organised in the kitchen

What’s the secret to keeping your kitchen organised and clutter-free for the long-term. A few carefully chosen organising products can really help keep your cupboards tidy and organised long after you’ve sorted them out. Here are some I’ve used myself which are still look like this months and years afterwards. Here’s how using step 1,Continue reading “How products can help you stay organised in the kitchen”

Top 5 tips to organising your kitchen cupboards

Top 5 tips to organise your kitchen cupboards… 1. Tackle one cupboard at a time “It will take longer than you think & you want the satisfaction of finishing in the time you have.” 2. Remove everything from the cupboard “Put it all out on your worktop, so you can see everything. You’ll find things you’d forgottenContinue reading “Top 5 tips to organising your kitchen cupboards”

Top 5 tips for getting you ready for Autumn

Top 5 tips for getting organised this Autumn that you might have forgotten… Clean and put away your Garden Furniture, bag up the cushions and store well out of the way. Put away your summer clothes, store in the attic in labelled clear boxes or bags if needs be, decide if any should be givenContinue reading “Top 5 tips for getting you ready for Autumn”

How to sort out your pan drawer A great example of how one thing simple thing can turn part of your kitchen from annoying chaos into simply organised and easy to use. This is what I did in my own pan drawer at home.    And the best bit is it’s stayed like this. I got mine from Homesense in TunbridgeContinue reading “How to sort out your pan drawer”

How to change people you live with who clutter up your house?

3 easy steps to follow, suggestions to have a positive impact on those you live with and their ‘clutter’… This is your home too and how other people share the space with you matters, to your physical, as well as mental health.    This definitely includes belongings, yours, theirs and shared stuff.   SpoilerContinue reading “How to change people you live with who clutter up your house?”

Where to donate unwanted items now

After a fabulous declutter you just want to pass your pre-loved items to a new home but some places are still closed post lockdown  So where do you go? Here is a list of places that are open and ready to take your items right now.  I’ve mentioned some in and around Tunbridge wells butContinue reading “Where to donate unwanted items now”

10 things to do before selling your home

Photo by @britstrawbridge Home staging will increase the value and speed of your house sale. Are you selling your house? 78% of estate agents and other property professionals, said they believed home staging would increase the offer value of the property by up to 10%. The most recent report from the Home Staging Association UK &Continue reading “10 things to do before selling your home”